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Future of Z-farming in Singapore

In this blog post, I will explore the possibilities of urban agriculture in Singapore, in particular, Zero-acreage Farming (Z-farming). Z-farming refers to “all possible types of urban agriculture in and on buildings” (Specht et al, 2014), and it is different from other forms of urban agriculture. One of its key aspects is the “recycling of…

pea sprouts are not so little anymore

Even a small 100cm x 60cm plot can be really tough to manage. One critical part of managing a plot is planning, and I will elaborate on two aspects of it – time and location, among many others.  Time  The very first step is deciding which plants to grow. This depends on many factors, including…

super soil

We tried growing radishes in the Yale-NUS College Farm. They grew out to be in a really sorry state – small and shrunken. We have less than a metre of soil on the farm, and concluded that radishes needed more soil depth.  However, we went to Mdm Kamisah’s rooftop community garden and saw rows of…

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